Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy

Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy

Certificate that certifies the completion of the project with the knowledge that meets the standards of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the National Building Code. The building/structure can now be utilized as a public edifice or private residence which is now safe for occupancy.

Office or Division: Office of the Municipal Engineer

Classification: Simple

Types of Transaction: G2C- Government to Citizens

Who may avail: Firm/Corporation Owner

Checklist of Requirements


Step 1

Proceed to the OME and secure Certificate of Completion Forms

Provide forms and brief clients on the steps and procedures including other requirements

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 10 minutes

Person Responsible:
Administrative Aide I
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 2

Submit as built plans, drawings duly accomplished

Receives documents and verifies/check plans, drawings and other documents

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 15 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 3

Bring endorsements request to the MFM and other concerned government agencies for securing safety inspection certificates

Gives endorsement request and secure Fire Safety Inspection Certificate and other clearances if required. Inform client of the schedule of inspection.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 10 minutes

Person Responsible:
Administrative Aide I
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 4

Provide necessary assistance to the inspectorate team during the inspection

Conduct Inspection and check if the structure was built in accordance with the approved plan specs.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 40 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 5

Submit Safety Inspection Certificate and inquire about the result of the inspection

Inform client whether the plans, drawings, documents if the building or structure need corrections.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time :20 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Office of the Municipal Engineer