Issuance of Certificate of Building Permit

Issuance of Certificate of Building Permit

A Building Permit is a document issued by the Building Official to an owner/applicant to proceed with the construction, installation, addition, alteration, renovation, conversion, repair, demolition or other work activity of a specific project/building/structure after the accompanying principal plans and specifications.

Office or Division: Office of the Municipal Engineer

Classification: Simple

Types of Transaction: G2C- Government to Citizens

Who may avail: Firm/Corporation Owner

Checklist of Requirements


Step 1

Secure application forms from Engineering Office, Building Permit, ancillary permit, accessory permit and checklist of requirements.

Provide forms and checklist of requirements. Brief clients on the steps and procedures in securing building permit and other clearances necessary for their construction project.

a. Community tax Certificate

b. Brgy. Clearance for Electrical Permit

c. Tax Clearance

d. Tac dexclaration

e. Letter consent from the Lot owner duly notarized (if the owner of the not the owner of the lot)

f. Six sets of plan,, specs, bill of materials duly signed and sealed by civil engr, electrical engr and sanitary engineer

g. Structural analysis computation in case of 2 storey bldg.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 15 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer

Administrative Aide I
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 2

Submit plans of drawings, duly accomplished forms and other supp. documents

Receives documents and verifies check as to completeness of all documents submitted.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 20 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Administrative Aide I

Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 3

Bring endorsement request set of plans, drawings to the Municipal Fire Marshall for evaluation review and or recommendations with respect to fire safety and control requirements

Give endorsements request and one set of plans, drawings to the MFM for evaluation review or recommendation with respect to fire safety and control requirement. Inform client of the schedule of site inspection.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 10 minutes

Person Responsible:
Administrative Aide I
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 4

Provide pertinent information and the necessary assistance to the inspectorate team during inspection

Conduct inspection.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 40 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer& staffs
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 5

Inquire about the results of evaluation, inspection and assessment including that of the MFM.

Inform the client whether the plans, drawings and other document needs correction.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time :10 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 6

Submit corrected plans, drawings and other documents

Receive and review submission.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time :20 minutes

Person Responsible:
Administrative Aide I

Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 7

If no deficiencies the application has been determined to be complete in order to secure an order of payment

Compute fees, other changes if any and issue order of payment.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time :20 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 8

Proceed to the revenue collection clerk of the MTO and present order of payment. Pay the required fees and other charges if any, and secure OR.

Receive payment and issue OR.

Fees to be Paid: Refer to IRR of the National Building Code 2005

Processing Time :5 minutes

Person Responsible:
Administrative Aide I
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 9

Return to the OME and show OR of Payment

Check and verify OR with the second copy of order of payment. Signed the approval building permit and ancillary permit. Record the permits in the official record book.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time :20 minutes

Person Responsible:
Administrative Aide I

Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 10

Receive the Building Permit

Issue the building permit and give instructions on the cost phase and post construction phase.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time :10 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Office of the Municipal Engineer