Issuance of Certificate of Final Electrical Inspection

Issuance of Certificate of Final Electrical Inspection

A Certificate issued by the Building Official to the owner/applicant as a requirement for the installation of power lines to a building/structure and certifies the completeness of the installation of all electrical wirings.

Office or Division: Office of the Municipal Engineer

Classification: Simple

Types of Transaction: G2C- Government to Citizens

Who may avail: Firm/Corporation Owner

Checklist of Requirements


Step 1

Proceed to the OME and secure application forms

Provide forms and checklist of requirements

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 5 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
MGADH I Administrative Aide III
Administrative Aide I
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 2

Submit drawings, duly accomplished application forms and other requirements

Verify the drawing, application forms and other requirements. Advises the client to the site inspection

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 10 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 3

Provide assistance to inspectorate team during the inspection

Conducts site inspection.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 30 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Project Evaluation Officer
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 4

Bring endorsement request and one copy of the drawing plan to the MFM for the issuance of Fire Safety Inspection Certificate

Gives endorsement request, plan and drawing

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 5 minutes

Person Responsible:
Administrative Aide I
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 5

Compute fees and issue Order of Payment

Gives endorsement request, plan and drawing

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 10 minutes

Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 6

Return to the OME and show Official Receipt of Payment

Check and verify Official receipt with second copy of the Order of payment. Signed the approved Certificate of Final Inspection

Fees to be Paid: Refer to IRR of the National Building Code 2005

Processing Time : 10 minutes

Person Responsible:
Administrative Aide I
Office of the Municipal Engineer

Step 7

Receive the Certificate of Final Electrical Inspection

Issue the CFEI

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 5 minutes

Person Responsible:
Administrative Aide I
Office of the Municipal Engineer